viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Israeli attack on peace flotilla to Gaza. who wins?

“Everyone should know that with God’s help thousands of flotillas from all over the world will sail (to Gaza) with peace-lovers and give freedom and peace to mankind” said the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He called the world to dismantle the Zionist regime.

This affirmation confirms that we live in a world where lies are familiar to state policies of many nations, taking advantage of the power of the media. Lie fate is defeat but the truth will shine at the end of the day. But the background of the Israeli attack on a peace flotilla with humanitarian aid to Gaza is deeper.

What is behind these incidents?

For human kind is imperative to finish the conflict between Jews and Palestinians –and the Arab League, the Turkish and the Shia Extremist Faction Group with representation in Iranian Government- for this could lead us to WWIII. This is why figures like Barack Obama arouse a hope of peace everywhere. The same reason had the Norwegian Nobel Committee to give him the Nobel Peace Price when he had barely 12 days in the White House and of course had done nothing for peace in the Middle East.

To achieve this goal, USA president plays a double game with both Israel and its counterpart. Israel had always counted on the USA to be its unconditional allied to dissuade its enemies. But this will happen no more.

War in the Middle East became a serious risk for the future of Human Kind.

The all-out war against Israel is coming to a new stage: Financed by oil, Iran is developing a nuclear program for “peaceful purposes”. These are doubtful: The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) informed that high rank officers in Iran have not provided enough information to confirm that all the nuclear material is indeed for peaceful activities.

At the same time, Ahmadinejad’s frequent declarations that “We are going to sweep Israel from the face of the earth” and its spiritual leader the ayatollah Ali Jameini who said that “Nukes are a religious obligation” make very suspicious that the development of nuclear facilities have peaceful purposes.

It seems that the Iranian Regime counts on the USA weakening as world power and the confusing peace policies of Barack Obama to make more daring movements.

Strategic Movements for the Future Leader

This is a historical moment that requires Obama’s movements –if He is the one called to make a peace agreement in the Middle East- to be more daring, one of those already took place: A new package of sanctions against Iran that the UN Security Committee recently imposed, blocking Iranian foreign accounts and armaments deals with the main powers of the world: USA, France, China, Russia, UK and Germany. Obama successfully convinced Russia and China to support the UN decision to impose such sanctions. Indeed a great achievement.

At the same time Obama let the historical ties among the US and Israel become weaker as He makes commitments with the Islam nations like giving them Jerusalem or stopping Israel’s settlements in this city.

If this is true that Barack Obama will be the Leader of the New World Order as Henry Kissinger claims He is making an excellent role even though the USA is frankly declining. I suppose his next step will be an agreement based on both people´s expectations on Jerusalem. Like giving the Palestinians habitable territory while giving Israel control of the religious center in Mount Zion.

This last one is only my speculation but this is quite possible that all the facts now happening in the Middle East aim to strengthen the idea introduced in 1940 by H.G. Wells. This idea of a world government was conceived in 1957 with the Roman Treatise –Origin of the European Union-. And recently George Bush Senior, Henry Kissinger, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group became its promoters.

The World Order is closer than ever before in history. It will be real, the Bible declares it. This will happen before the End of this Era. And with the actual world economic crisis, global warming, danger of war in the East (North Korea vs. South Korea), Middle East (Iran-Syria-Lebanon vs. Israel) and the West (Venezuelan armament race) its birth is imminent and a world leader will be the creditor of all the power of a global empire.

And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have received no kingdom yet, but will receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.

(Rev 17:12-13)

Versión en Español