A peace agreement between Israel and Palestine seems to be closer. US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met last July the 6th and urged Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas for direct peace talks as soon as possible. At the end of the meeting Mr. Obama said to the media "I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace" and also referred to the future of Israel and Palestine as "That is two states living side by side in peace and security".
The moment is crucial: Israel is interested in reaching a peace agreement with the recognized authority of the Palestinians for Hamas weakens and thus render Iranian aggression floor before the eyes of the world. Abbas by his side is about to end his career and is urged to leave a useful legacy for his people. The actual conditions seem to be ideal. Obama has emerged as the world leader for excellence in handholding these two historic enemies to sign a final peace treaty.
Are these real good news?
These seem to be good news to the world but they are far to be. In the light of the scriptures the fact that a peace pact is near is a sign of imminent "Great day of the Lord", a period of time that marks the end of the age of grace foretold millennia ago by the prophets of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel and is also known as the Great Tribulation.
It will also be the time of the second coming of my Lord Jesus Christ, which is the best news for us who hope in faith.
Juan-the Apostle of my Lord Jesus says in the book of Revelations and in his letters to the churches to raise an evil leader who will deceive the world. This will sent by Satan: The so-called Antichrist, and also a false prophet who will seduce the world to worship the Antichrist and Satan and deny Jesus Christ God's Son.
John -the Apostle of my Lord Jesus- says in the book of Revelations and in his epistles to the churches that an evil leader will raise at this time, one that will deceive the world. He will come sent by Satan himself: The so-called antichrist, and also a false prophet who will seduce the world to worship the antichrist and Satan and deny Jesus Christ the Son of God.
The antichrist and his false prophet will have global dominance and influence. The empire they will rule will be the revived Roman Empire. How is it possible that the Roman Empire exists again -as it has happened- is the reason for another article, but the subject of this one is to give light on both current and coming events and their context in the prophecy.
It appears that Barack Obama has a central place in this events as a dark figure that recalls the prophecies of the Antichrist: the way he was elected, the global joy for his election, global acknowledgement including Nobel Peace prize when He had done nothing for peace, his obvious opposition to Christianity -And all forms of religion as in Dan 11:36- (See declarations), although avowedly Christian -and also Muslim-, the statements of such influential people like Henry Kissinger that Obama is primed to create the New World Order and his own statements about this important matter -the NWO- make his profile worthy of being observed very carefully.
Barack Obama: ¿The antichrist?
There are still facts to fully confirm that will confirm that Barack Obama is indeed the antichrist besides the fact that He will be the one who achieves the peace agreement between Israel and the Arab -Islamic- League (Dan 9:27).
A powerful sign is if the U.S. recovers from this terrible economic crisis -that seems to make the world power viable no longer- under the Obama administration. This would confirm Revelations 13:3.
After that Obama's popularity will be so great that the leaders of the 10 regions of the world (Dan 7:24; Rev 17:12-13) -that are already defined and at that time will be a fact- will give him the title of First World Regent to ensure compliance with Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 11:21.
Now it is hard to believe in these facts but no doubt it is much easier than 10 years ago and does far more than 50, and as the mentioned events take place everything will be clearer.
More and more rapidly the signals that we have been warned in the word of our Lord are becoming real for the fullness of the time will come soon and with this, the end of the Age and the second coming of our Lord. There is still a chance: Give your life to Jesus Christ, He is the only answer to your life.
A Revival is what the world needs.